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Mukesh Panchal
Providing flexible and cost effective multi-vendor enterprise hardware support solutions worldwide.
Solid Systems Global
Dave Parish
We are dedicated Cisco specialists, providing design and procurement services across the entire Cisco range.
Sales Director
Kuljit Parmar
Knowledge Computers and Global Ewaste Solutions have offices in Canada, USA Singapore, Thailand.
Our Knowledge Computers entity focuses on enterprise network & server resale/maintenance business.
Our Global Ewaste Solutions entity focuses on IT Asset Management/Disposition. Both our Canadian facilities are e-Stewards 2.0 certified and our Singapore facility is pending.
We specialize in wholesale processing for other ITAD/Ewaste recyclers in locations they might not have a presence.
Knowledge Computers
Sam Pearman
Wildfire Systems Limited is a leading trade-only Broker, dealing in second user and end of life hardware, specializing in Sun Microsystems/Oracle.
Our main focus is the supply, buyout and rental of refurbished Sun Microsystems / Oracle servers & spare parts. We have a dedicated engineering facility and can provide full configuration and testing across these product ranges.
Wildfire Systems Limited
Yaron Peer
Global Net Source - The world’s trusted inventory of network equipment.
Global Net Source
Kenneth Petersen
Global independent IT distribution – just a click away!