Jas Dhariwal
HP Reseller with a focus on renew and new open box stock including servers, PC's and laptops.
Shape System Ltd
Terri Doyle
Wisetek is a global provider of Secure Data-Elimination & Responsible IT Recycling Services to the world’s leading IT Corporations. Wisetek operate from our bases located in Ireland, the USA and Thailand. Our list of clients includes the world’s leading enterprise IT hardware manufacturers and data centers. Wisetek’s recycling priority is the recovery of material, either for reuse within our client's operations or for remarketing to our global network of buyers under the Wisetekmarket.com site. These reuse priorities assure our clients that they receive optimal financial pay-back from the flow of used assets. Material no longer required is recycled to Wisetek’s Sustainable EARTH standard, which is externally certified to the R2:2013 standard (Responsible Recycling) and is compliant with all global regulations.
Corporate Website - www.wisetek.net Remarketing Platform - www.wisetekmarket.com

Doron Dreyer
TechTrade International is a specialist broker dealing with new Servers, Storage and Networking.
TechTrade International
Charlie Dudbridge
Addressing the financial, environmental and logistical challenges of the IT asset lifecycle to secure maximum return.
Hardware Group
Lifecycle Sales Manager
Thomas Dunker
New and refurbished, current and end of life hardware. Focus is HP, IBM, Cisco and more!