Inventus Group A/S
Focus on IBM tape storage, IBM/Lenovo storage options and Brocade SAN Fibre Channel switches. Both new and used.
William Hiep Pham
SalesMikkel Linneberg
IT Hardware & Software Ltd
Guillaume Brossais
DirectorAlan Glazer
Stefan Van Der Zwet
Director NL office
IT Xchange
Secondary market computer distributor, specializing in discontinued and constrained products from Lenovo, IBM and more.
Kerr Girvan
Regional Sales ManagerMichael Robertson
Managing Director for EMEA & Asia Pacific
We are dedicated Cisco specialists, providing design and procurement services across the entire Cisco range.
Dave Parish
Sales DirectorTed Black
Kalypta, s.r.o.
IT Equipment Rentals – brands include HP • Avaya • IBM • Lenovo • EMC • Dell • Juniper • Samsung • Apple

Knowledge Computers
Knowledge Computers and Global Ewaste Solutions have offices in Canada, USA Singapore, Thailand.
Our Knowledge Computers entity focuses on enterprise network & server resale/maintenance business.
Our Global Ewaste Solutions entity focuses on IT Asset Management/Disposition. Both our Canadian facilities are e-Stewards 2.0 certified and our Singapore facility is pending.
We specialize in wholesale processing for other ITAD/Ewaste recyclers in locations they might not have a presence.
Kuljit Parmar
Kosmos Technology A/S
IT maintenance, IT service and IT system integration companies around the world.